Some shenanigans


What do I write about? It was such a crazy year that i don’t know where to start from! 

It's Covid 19 eraeverything is messy. The fear is at its highest ranks. The disease has done its chaos to the point of madness. I was trying to adapt to the new situation as everybody else, but it turned out I needed more than that to face what was coming. 

on the last days of august I traveled to Marrakech to spend some days with my friends before t started my new job as a teacher!  

take a closer look

Remember that passion and excitement you feel right before starting a job that you like? You think about your dreams and what you want to accomplish, the people you going to meet and all these experiences that will mark your career. I had it, I lived it. I thought of how great I will be to my students, I drew a perfect illustration of the leader I want to be inside my class, how will I inspire my future students in those difficult times?

To be honest I will not narrate my story in those line today, but seriously I would like to know how people deal with their lives currently? How are you feeling? I wish somebody asked about how I feel, therefore I am asking you, I would like to be the shine you are looking for, the hope you aspire to find and grab into.

I feel like all of this is just some nonsensical thoughts, but I would like get them out of my chest in order to start fresh all over again, you see It’s all about new beginnings.

New chapter is in front of us, ready to be written, lived and explored you just have to have the courage and the strength that it requires.



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