Why Moroccan Companies are Missing out Opportunities ?


Why Moroccan Companies are Missing out Opportunities ?


Boring jobs, sassy and bossy managers, low sales and deals, unsatisfied clients, angry and stressed employees!

we don’t have leaders in Morocco, we have bosses!

This statement might not be liked by the many “leaders” we have working within the companies based in Morocco,

From where I see it, leaders must care for their teams and the ones they lead in order to achieve their goals, a true leader considers the emotions of his team or “employees” although I don’t fancy much this word, partners would be appropriate.

They are your partners because they gather to help achieve a certain goal, they use their creativity, energy and time to come up with the right decisions that lead to the “goal”.

Karen: “Why would you call them employees? They get paid for what they do and their time!”

Consider this: But isn’t it the same thing that other companies do when they collaborate with each other? They get paid for their time, energy and collaboration; still, they would be called partners

In a world of numbers and a lot of money on stack, companies thrive to achieve their objectives and increase their profits, understandable, but what if I told you that they can do better? Using simple equation:

Let’s say the goal of an industrial company is to reach a 100% of sales on newly launched products:

100% of sales= great quality of the product+ creative design+ competitive price+ effective marketing strategy+ custom service.

Among these element that make up the successful equation, an important factor that can boost the efficiency of any company, that can upgrade it to the next level:

Human capital.

I believe Moroccan companies miss out on great opportunities due to their inconvenient treatment of their “employees”. Leaders must consider their “employees” emotions and cognitive state to let them achieve objectives. The latest scientific findings proved that the brain needs to be emotionally stable to function properly and at its best, because negative emotions such as stress, fear, anger or boredom impair creativity and working, hence, sustained exposure to stress and imperious chiefs at work lowers the productivity of “employees”



Inspiring leaders, are social, caring and considerate towards the ones they lead, they have knowledge about how to create a healthy working environment, where “employees” can benefit from and cooperate. Emotional stability is key to unlock the cognitive abilities (prefrontal cortex) and fosters positive interactions within the work space.

According to Thomas Maak and Nicola Pless, leadership is a demanding and complex task, leaders need to establish a relational approach within the structure, have emotional and ethical intelligence, reflexion skills and critical thinking. They need to interchange roles and responsibilities and show their empathy and care to inspire their followers and the future generation.

Inspiring leaders are social and genuine, they care about making a change, therefore they spare no effort to engage everyone around them. Modern companies are in need of such aspiring optimistic leaders to guide them to their goals and make them stand out of the crowd.


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