We are Still Human


It has been a long time since the last time i sat to write something. I feel like I have so many things to talk about, yet I don’t know where to start.

So many things happened lately and my life has changed a bit. Have you ever been in a situation where you felt that nobody’s existence matter but yours? Have you ever reached that point, where you are so sure that nobody is willing to do things for you, be there for you as they once said?

Well I did.

I guess my point out of these words, is to share with you this feeling. I want to tell you, you are not alone, I completely understand the way you feel, so don’t worry about. It will fade away as your tears did once.

You know what we regret? We regret that we had called someone a friend, gave him a space in our life, invested time and energy just to show them we care. You what they did instead? They let you down in the very time you want them to be around.

We regret sharing our most embarrassing secrets, our weak moments and the feeling we shared.

But let me tell you what we don’t regret as we are those people who have been hurt by the closest people we call friends, the lessons we learn throughout the experience:

We learn to never trust anyway.

We learn to keep things for ourselves.

We learn to be quiet.

We learn how to destroy our human nature; innocence and being emotional.

Our minds learn to protect us by creating a defense mechanism that changes the way we used to approach people before that.


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