Teacher’s diaries
Photo de Max Fischer provenant de Pexels |
From time to time, I just want to quit my job to embark on a
new journey within a new career. I feel exhausted and drained because of all
this work on my shoulders. Working with students is hard, the degree of
hardship may vary depending on the level of students, their age, their cultural
background and their interests.
When I was assigned the three levels I will be working with,
I felt enthusiastic for this new opportunity: new city, new school, new faces.
But I felt kind of discouraged because I had no idea what to do especially
things were changing due to Covid 19 pandemic.
Teaching under such circumstances was and still such a
challenge to tackle, everyone was (is) trying to adapt to new changes covid 19
forced us to undergo; teaching-learning online, quarantine, remote work mode,
social distancing …ect. Therefore, I am always trying to do the best as I can
as a teacher for my students. I always try to create the right atmosphere for
the learning experience so students would be comfortable and feel safe to
participate and get involved in the classroom. It might not be always the case,
especially if you have some introvert students who just might not want to let
you in and get closer to them, my only advice to you is “there is always a way”
trust your teacher’s gut!
Story time:
After a million times
of changing and editing the timetable, I finally settled with the classes I
will be working with for this year. Each class is unique and the students’
personalities were different. A common core class was my favorite (ops guilty!
I know) students were polite and enthusiastic to learn and participate, they
interacted positively with the atmosphere I tried to establish and adapted
quickly to my way of teaching and breaking down any lesson. The experience was a
smooth ride until I noticed 4 students that sat at the back, did not have the
will or the power to participate. It felt like as if they were forced to come
to my class. After some reflection I decided to step up and try to get them
First thing was to nominate them whenever we wanted to
correct an exercise, they had all the answers right! So, what is the problem?
Usually, students who have difficulties to acquire a new language are the one who
do not like to speak outside their comfort zone. On the contrary mine were able
to interact with the lessons, yet the issue was still unknown to me for some reason.
I sat down for some reflection on the situation, I thought about
different strategies that maybe will incite them to step out and speak,
eventually I decided to try to arouse their motivation by assigning activities
and building exercises and tasks upon their interests.
In order to execute my plan, I assigned a writing activity: what
do you do in your free time?
The objective of this activity was for students to practice the
use of the simple present, at the same time I wanted to make use of their
productions and investigate a little more about their interests, which will
allow me next to revive my classroom atmosphere.
Students’ papers analysis:
photo credits to pexels.com |
I found out that the majority of my “shy” students loved
reading Manga, watching Anime an even trying to learn a new language (Japanese)
because of the huge influence they are being confronted with (Korean pop start/
The “shy” students prefer mainly to read or watch to learn
something new. My challenge was to create meaningful interesting resources for
my students to enjoy while learning from. Luckily I know exactly what to do since
I was an otaku myself back in the days in addition to learning Japanese
language for two years at college.
First thing was positive reinforcement, I had to think
outside of the box, instead of just using words, I created a reward system:
Whenever a student provides the right answer or participate
positively, I give them one sticker themed with a Manga/ Anime character. Slowly
but surely, students were enthusiastic to participate in order to get that one
sticker or even more, the trick was to increase STT and minimize the TTT, IT WORKED!
Secondly, I tried to integrate some manga/ anime characters’
name in practice exercises to trigger their drive to answer.
I even assigned a mini project about their favorite manga/
anime, the objective was to practice the simple present/ present continuous and
the theme of the unit which we were studying at that time (artistic interests).
The idea here is to catch that one element/ hint that will
help you take your classes to next level! Students are human being with
interests that trigger their enthusiasm to learn and discover new things, the
teacher’s job is to know how to drive the message home.
N.B: each class is unique and every teacher is the scientist
of his/her own classroom. I am just sharing my ideas and thoughts that worked
or did not work. It all serve for better teaching/learning experience.
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